Saturday, November 6, 2010

What's my age again?

I have a friend who hates Blink 182, or so he says he does! He still has their songs on his phone, so if that isn't liking them, even just a little, I don't know what is! I personally, have a HUGE soft spot for them at the moment, also Linkin Park, Escape the Fate, Fall Out Boy, Ben Folds and Regina Spektor.
Yes. You heard right. Those particular bands are the only ones on my ipod right now. That exact mix. Goes together well don't you think? =]

I feel the need to mention here that when I said 'Ipod' , it was a loose term. I have an Iphone 4! Just couldn't resist the urge to throw in my awesome new piece of technology, and by awesome I mean that the only glitch I have found so far is the, 'alarm going off an hour early or not at all or whenever it feels like it' glitch, that will hopefully be fixed soon!

So back to the music in my ears at the moment! I was introduced to Escape the Fate by a friends ringtone while I was in America on a holiday for a friends wedding. They are quite catchy, and I have only found one song of theirs that I don't enjoy so far.
Fall Out Boy are a particular favourite, I know the lyrics and can often be found singing along in the car to their songs!
Linkin Park's latest release, 'Waiting for the end to come' is amazing, such a beautiful song, always stuck in my head.
Regina Spektor is really starting to grow on me, definitely an unusual choice for me.
Ben Folds, well, seeing as this is already the second time I have mentioned him, it must be clear by now that I love his work! I especially love his cover of 'Such great heights' by 'The Postal Service'.

I should mention here that I am one of those annoying people who will listen to a song, on repeat, 50 times, and not get sick of it. It's just the way I am!

I should also mention that I have a running argument with a friend about who's 'turn' it is to choose the music we listen to in the car. He has an Ipod adapter and an Ipod, and so always thinks it is his 'turn', whereas, I only recently got the Iphone, and so until now didn't have the ability to stake a claim! I always used to say we should put the Ipod on shuffle, but then skip past songs I didn't like, which frustrated him, as he wanted to show me the songs he liked that I didn't know yet! The resolution? We listen to his music, but I get to skip past the songs if I don't like them, but not until after the 30 second mark!

I guess I just like to listen to songs that I already know when I am in the car, so that I can sing!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Stream a little stream of me..

So I have three unrelated points to raise today. Number one, I talk in my sleep. Number two, limewire has been shut-down. Number three, our winter creek is completely overflown.

It has been brought to my attention numerous times that I talk in my sleep. I often have short conversation that I don't remember, or rudely awaken other people by shouting or startling them awake with a swift kick! What I didn't realise, until last week, was that I can apparently start singing in my sleep! My song of choice being 'Sunday Mornings' by Maroon Five. I wonder if this has anything to do with how switched on my brain has been lately? I was complaining of not being able to sleep because of all the thoughts in my head, but a certain sleepover buddy swears I was asleep before my head hit the pillow!

Now to Limewire. How can this happen? Does this mean I will have to start PAYING for my music like everyone else?! Who do they think they are? Who exactly ARE they? Gone are the days of 'sqeezing limes' and 'scouring NYC for limes'. Itunes is forcing everyone to PAY for music, as if recording rights actually mean something! (This is all of course intended as sarcasm, I'm just cheap!) So what to do? I could activate an Itunes account, or borrow my brothers... =D I could even try and use torrents, but these have proven complicated and confusing for me, I'm not the most computer literate person going around! But no, the answer to my problems? FROSTWIRE! Exactly the same as Limewire, but cold and with less citrus.

We have a little stream on our property that all but dries up in summer and is often referred to as the 'winter creek' in the colder months. This past weeks rainfall has caused 'sudden downpour river' to seem like a more appropriate term! Our whole bottom paddock is flooded and still gushing loudly enough to be heard from my bedroom, a good 100 metres away! Here's hoping the catchments were filled, and that my horse doesn't wash away. =]


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Buy acid, wash pants.

From the lyrics of a favourite Ben Fold's song of mine =] The correct placement of commas can be very important!

The lyrics sure get me thinking. "When you don't care, well, you've got nothing to lose, and I won't hesitate, cause every moment life is slipping away".

I don't want to miss a moment. Not a second, not a heartbeat.

I am trying to live every day to the fullest, and I think I'm doing pretty well with my new years resolution for once!

It was mentioned numerous times that I am a big wuss, not adventurous enough, and too fussy, so I decided to prove the mud-slingers wrong!
As the clock ticked over to midnight, I made my promise. I would try any new food that was offered to me this year, and try and have as many new experiences as possible.

So far I have eaten kangaroo, a stir fry, marshmallow fluff in a jar, a prawn, and some blueberries. These are the things that immediately spring to mind, as I haven't kept the best record! But for the girl who lives off a diet mainly comprising rice and tuna, these were very daring acts!

I have also been overseas by myself, been backstage at a concert, gone skinny dipping, got my tongue pierced, dyed my hair blonde, and bought a car, all new experiences I had to push myself for!

Thought for the day: We are what we make ourselves.


Where for art thou television?

Television. Some say a necessary part of day to day life, some, the root of all evil. I say an entertaining distraction that I could live without!

Why when faced with free time, would I rather sit and stare at a dvd I have watched a thousand times, or an episode of neighbours that I suddenly can't live without seeing the end of?

I am currently reading 'Scar Tissue' by Anthony Kiedis, a book which I started approximately 4 and a half years ago on a family trip to a friends beach house. It was hidden away in a bookshelf amongst old newspapers, a jar of tobacco and many obsolete videos. I was drawn to it, particularly as I had heard that it was quite a 'full on' story, and being 15 I couldn't resist the temptation! Why am I still only half way through? Partly because I had to leave the book behind, and partly because of laziness, but I also blame television.

It is a similar story with 'The Valley of the Horses' by Jean M Auel. I started reading it about a year ago and still haven't finished. This one is more important to me to complete though, as someone whose opinion I value highly recommended it to me, and I want to be able to talk to them about it! I enjoyed the first book in the series so much that I went and bought them all, so I really have no excuse.

I think part of the reason is that it is so easy to do other things whilst watching television; talk on the phone, eat, check facebook, blog (I am watching Veronica Mars as we speak!). Reading requires us to stop, to engage. Television only requires ones auditory skills, and can often forgo the visual aspect.

I am about to embark on a three month overseas trip. My plan is to do as much reading as possible, especially during those loooong flights! I went overseas a few months ago, for two weeks, and managed to read four books cover to cover, so I hope this trip will be even more productive!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A whiff of adventure

So I am sitting in bed, contemplating the trip that is fast approaching.
3 months of exciting challenges, of sightseeing, new friends, an adventure to say the least!
But I am TERRIFIED, and that's putting it lightly!

I have never spent so long away from my family or friends, let alone spent so much time by myself!
What if I don't like me? What if I'm incessantly boring? I ask you to contemplate. What would you do if you had to be in the company of yourself for 3 months?

What if things change while I'm away? What if something goes wrong and I can't be contacted, or make it back in time? What if I'm not who I think I am? What if, what if, what if....?

I am planning to use this blog as a way to stave off the late night insomnia I have been experiencing ever since realising that this is actually happening. I am going on my trip. In 3 weeks. Eeep!

Words are not my forte, but I hope that whoever ends up reading this might enjoy some of my innermost thoughts for a while =]

Thought for the day: There is always light at the end of the tunnel.


More insights into the mind of a troubled teen

I'm tired and my whole body's aching,
and I put on a brave face for you,
and then you pull my whole fucking fort down around me,
and I'm left standing in a pile of rubble.

From my thirteen year old self

"Write me something, make it short and sweet, and long and terrible, and make me laugh and make me cry."